Where is Greenland located?

Greenland is located in North America, in time zones from GMT-3 (03:46 AM, Saturday) to GMT0 (06:46 AM, Saturday). It is positioned on 2166086 km² area with population of approximately 56.4 thousand.

What is the capital of Greenland?

Capital of Greenland is Nuuk.

Latitude-longitude position of GRL

Latitude (dec.) Latitude (DMS)
North border 83.9702560 83° 58' 12.922" North
South border 58.2632900 58° 15' 47.844" North
Height ↕ ∼2858.3 km
West border East border
Longitude (dec.) -73.8281197 -8.2617197
Longitude (DMS) 73° 49' 41.231" West 8° 15' 42.191" West
Width ↔ ∼2176 km

Greenland on world map


Largest cities in Greenland

• Base of the used natural world map was created by Tom Patterson, cartographer.
Boundary lines of Greenland were drawn using data from boundaries.us.
• Geographic location: processed from www.geonames.org database.