Where is Northern Mariana Islands located?

Northern Mariana Islands is located in Oceania, in GMT+10 time zone (with current time of 09:48 AM, Friday). Offset from your time zone: hours. It is positioned on 477 km² area with population of approximately 53.9 thousand.

What is the capital of Northern Mariana Islands?

Capital of Northern Mariana Islands is Saipan.

Latitude-longitude position of MNP

Latitude (dec.) Latitude (DMS)
North border 20.6584862 20° 39' 30.55" North
South border 13.9713848 13° 58' 16.985" North
Height ↕ ∼743.5 km
West border East border
Longitude (dec.) 144.7668457 146.2060546
Longitude (DMS) 144° 46' 0.645" East 146° 12' 21.797" East
Width ↔ ∼154.5 km

Northern Mariana Islands on world map

Northern Mariana Islands

Largest cities in Northern Mariana Islands

• Base of the used natural world map was created by Tom Patterson, cartographer.
Boundary lines of Northern Mariana Islands were drawn using data from boundaries.us.
• Geographic location: processed from www.geonames.org database.