Where is Alto Río Senguer located?

Alto Río Senguer is located in Argentina. It is positioned in "America/Argentina/Catamarca" time zone (GMT-3 ) with current time of 02:38 AM, Friday (difference from your time zone: hours). Alto Río Senguer is seat of a second-order administrative division in Chubut in Departamento de Río Senguerr with population of ∼1.7 thousand.

Geographical position

Latitude: -45.04105°
4999 km
5008 km
45° 2' 27.78" South
Longitude: -70.81982°
5375 km
7819 km
70° 49' 11.352" West
Elevation: 697 m
697 m
697 m ≈ 2287 feet

Alto Río Senguer on map

Distances from Alto Río Senguer

Near ARG World

Places around Alto Río Senguer sort by population

Alto Río Senguer
223 km
Perito Moreno
Río Mayo
Gobernador Costa
Los Antiguos
Río Pico
Paso de Indios

Sources, notes:
• Map is powered by openstreetmap.org.
• Geographic location info from www.geonames.org database.
• Population data is only approximately value, it may be out of date.
• Distance calculator between two coordinates is powered by PHP with rounding precision of 0.1 km (or 1 km for longer distances), source code can be found at 1km.net site.