Where is Taisha located?

Taisha is located in Ecuador. It is positioned in "America/Guayaquil" time zone (GMT-5 ) with current time of 02:11 PM, Sunday (difference from your time zone: hours). Taisha is seat of a second-order administrative division in Morona-Santiago.

Geographical position

Latitude: -2.33965°
9747 km
260 km
2° 20' 22.74" South
Longitude: -77.46031°
8604 km
11388 km
77° 27' 37.116" West
Elevation: 339 m
339 m
339 m ≈ 1112 feet

Taisha on map

Distances from Taisha

Near ECU World

Places around Taisha sort by population

155 km

Sources, notes:
• Map is powered by openstreetmap.org.
• Geographic location info from www.geonames.org database.
• Population data is only approximately value, it may be out of date.
• Distance calculator between two coordinates is powered by PHP with rounding precision of 0.1 km (or 1 km for longer distances), source code can be found at 1km.net site.