Hungary is located in Europe, in GMT+1 time zone (with current time of 03:56 AM, Monday). Offset from your time zone: hours. It is positioned on 93030 km² area with population of approximately 10 million. Neighbor countries: Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Ukraine, Croatia, Austria, Serbia.
Capital of Hungary is Budapest.
↕ | Latitude (dec.) | Latitude (DMS) |
North border | 48.5852340 | 48° 35' 6.842" North |
South border | 45.7370889 | 45° 44' 13.52" North |
Height ↕ | ∼316.7 km |
↔ | West border | East border |
Longitude (dec.) | 16.1133077 | 22.8981217 |
Longitude (DMS) | 16° 6' 47.908" East | 22° 53' 53.238" East |
Width ↔ | ∼512.8 km |
• Base of the used natural world map was created by Tom Patterson, cartographer.
• Boundary lines of Hungary were drawn using data from
• Geographic location: processed from database.