Russia is located in Asia and Europe, in time zones from GMT+2 (01:34 PM, Monday) to GMT+12 (11:34 PM, Monday). It is positioned on 17100000 km² area with population of approximately 140.7 million. Neighbor countries: Georgia, China, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Mongolia, Norway, Azerbaijan, North Korea.
Capital of Russia is Moscow.
↕ | Latitude (dec.) | Latitude (DMS) |
North border | 82.1673907 | 82° 10' 2.607" North |
South border | 41.1853530 | 41° 11' 7.271" North |
Height ↕ | ∼4556.8 km |
↔ | West border | East border |
Longitude (dec.) | 19.6160999 | -168.9778799 |
Longitude (DMS) | 19° 36' 57.96" East | 168° 58' 40.368" West |
Width ↔ | ∼6313 km |
• Base of the used natural world map was created by Tom Patterson, cartographer.
• Boundary lines of Russia were drawn using data from
• Geographic location: processed from database.